Living Green Fashion – Woolly Pockets

I’ve been fascinated by green living walls and vertical gardens, but they have always seemed a bit complicated or labor intensive- at least for a small rented apartment. A company called Woolly Pockets has solved that issue, in some very interesting ways- the most bizarre is a mobile version. Of course you can imagine what a hit this would be …

Reusable Shopping Bag Choices

Shopping bags have really come a long way. Baskets turned into paper grocery bags, which then gave way to disposable plastic bags, and now up next in the evolution of the shopping vessel is the stylish reusable tote bag. A lot of cities are beginning to tax disposable plastic bags in grocery stores, and rightly so in my opinion (just …

Green nPower Personal Energy Generator

Now you can be your own recharging station to all of your USB enabled devices. Cell phones, iPods, Kindles, GPS units, and just about any other hand-held electronic device can be charged by this renewable energy source. A kinetic energy generator based on a wave energy converter, the nPower PEG (Personal Energy Generator) can go with you anywhere and will …

Finisterre UK Surf Clothing

As a Christmas gift this year I received a surfing video from a friend which got me not only dreaming of surfing, but also of some of the great surf gear out there. This being winter for us up in the Northern Hemisphere, warm clothes and green wetsuits are required to ride our eco-friendly surfboards. A company called Finisterre, based …

Voices of Love – Songs and Stories for Africa

Over the holidays, I learned that a extended family member is doing some great things in the name of charity, and I wanted to share it with all of you. One day 7 year old Nikki and her Mom were watching “American Idol Gives Back.” In this case, the judges traveled to Africa to promote charity. Nikki immediately gave her …

BPA and Your Safest Reusable Water Bottle Choice

When it comes to water bottles, the choices seem endless. By now you probably know all the problems with disposable plastic water bottles, even the so called green bottled water have on the environment, but what about you? Lately there has been a big deal made of Bisphenol A or BPA. BPA is a estrogen hormone mimicking chemical and has …

Christmas Tree Recycling Disposal

Now that Christmas and the holidays are over, you may have a tree that you aren’t sure what to do with. Now days, its much easier to dispose of your Christmas tree in an environmentally friendly way. Many counties offer curbside pickup along with your green waste, and almost all offer some type of pickup or drop off location. These …

Neogreen Insulated Lunch Totes and Kozees

I usually tote my lunch to work in a re-used paper bag, but by the end of the week that bag ends up looking pretty haggard. Thankfully the guys over at Neogreene heeded my call and sent me one of their new eco-friendly insulated lunch tote along with a waterbottle cozy. Many of you may remember my article a little …

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Finds

Here are some of my recent favorite finds, reader suggestions and sustainable or eco-friendly finds. Enjoy! Grain, a local (Seattle) design consultancy and studio has developed a really cool Eco-friendly DIY shower curtain. Based on their popular Ty recyclable shower curtain, the Ty D.I.Y. Edition includes a choice of blue, green or black permanent marker for your own personalized design. …

Winterize your Home for Energy Efficiency

Eco tips for saving money this winter. What works well in the winter, can also save you money on your cooling bills in the summer too! The Little Stuff: Seal up cracks – Common spots for drafts are entryways (the back door and garage doors are notorious for draftiness) window moldings and seals. Caulking windows, sealing cracks and installing weather …