So you’ve replaced your lawn with drought resistant natives, installed low-flow shower heads and faucets, upgraded your appliances to water saving efficient washing machines and dishwashers, and cut your water usage. What’s next? Well that’s where minds (and laws) are changing due to the long drought. Here in California, as with most of the Southwest, we are experiencing record drought …
Reservoir Floating Black Shade Balls – Saving Water Secondary
Making a big splash this year are millions of black plastic balls tasked with shading sunlight from the water, but it’s main purpose isn’t for saving water. The UV rays in sunlight can accelerate a chemical reaction between bromite, which is naturally found in groundwater, and chlorine, which is added to disinfect and kill disease-causing pathogens, to create bromate, a …
Five Cheap DIY Energy Saving Tips
Looking for ways to save some money? Energy conservation is a great way to reduce your energy costs and save money (and the environment). Here are 5 easy do-it-yourself (DIY) energy saving tips you may not have thought of. Insulation and Leaks – A huge way to reduce your heating and cooling bills is to reduce the air flowing out …
DIY Landscaping, Water Conservation and Stormdrain Runoff Pollution
I love to come up with creative Do It Yourself (DIY’s) ideas to solve issues, and this one is not only environmentally friendly, but it is also beautiful and beneficial! How we landscape can solve a lot of problems with storm water runoff and drainage, helping to recharge aquafirs, filter toxins and generally reduce pollution of our waterways and oceans. …
Water Saving Shower Heads by Oxygenics
I am sure everyone has been frustrated with water saving shower heads at one time or another. You know, the ones you struggle just to get wet under, or just feel like a mist, leaving you longing for the full stream water wasters that your drain couldn’t keep up with. Luckily those days are over and good engineering has resulted …