The Bad News Statistically, those of us seeking a truly green job that allows us to finish our job every day feeling like we did something worthwhile and beneficial, are probably justified in feeling we’re facing mountain-sized odds for finding said job. There’s just not that many of these green employers. And, with the ever expanding degrees in sustainability we, green-ies-searching-for-green-jobs, are …
Jobs and the Green MBA
Does having a Green MBA help when it comes to finding a job? The answer is, it depends. Different industries value a Sustainable or Green MBA over a traditional MBA, and it can even come down to those doing the hiring. More and more hiring managers and executives are recognizing the benefits of sustainability of business, and are looking to …
Sustainability Focused Careers Workshop
Last week I had the chance to attend Foresight Designs Initiative Sustainability Careers Workshop here in Seattle. The workshop was put on by Seattle Green Drinks in collaboration with Foresight Design, based out of Chicago. Facilitated by the executive director of Foresight Designs, Peter Nicholson, the workshop was an excellent interactive exploration of various career paths in sustainability. Peter was …
Green Jobs
In today’s current economic situation, there has been a lot of hope (and hype) inspired by what’s being called “green-collar jobs”. This self described new industry would appear to be the much needed solution to not only the depressingly high unemployment rates, but also the need for alternate energy sources and even a more general, cultural environmental paradigm shift. But …