In an effort to reduce plastic packaging and overall waste, I’ve been trying several different new eco-friendly laundry detergents in order to weigh performance, cost, and waste reduction between different brands and types of detergents. I’m using three different types of detergent: Method For these tests, I’m using our own front-loading High Efficency (HE) washing machine, one that uses less …
Minor Eco Products with Maximum Environmental Impact
Collectively, there are a lot of small changes and inexpensive products that can replace everyday disposable items for a big impact. Throw together a kit with these items and keep them in your purse, backpack, messenger bag, briefcase, or a bag in the car. The Plastic Straws Gaining much more attention lately due to their propensity to show up in …
Environmentally and Socially Responsible Banking – How Do Banks Spend Your Money?
Perhaps unbeknownst to many checking and savings account holders, large and often controversial projects around the world are funded by banks. There has been a renewed surge of interest and concern about financial investments by banks, financial institutions, and Wall Street, driven in some part by media coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline project (DAPL). Colleges, Cities, and States divesting …
Is Your Hamburger Destroying the Amazon?
Beef is not the most environmentally friendly food, as meats go- but things potentially just got a whole lot worse in August of 2016. This is when the US opened up beef imports from Brazil following an earlier import ban after concerns over Mad Cow Disease in 2012. The Amazon Rainforest in Brazil has been taking a big hit- since …
Renewable Energy from Drinking Water Pipes
New clean energy sources don’t just come along everyday, but a new technology is combining turbines with gravity fed water pipes to generate hydroelectric power. While traditional hydroelectric energy generation is clean, it usually comes with some environmental impacts from interrupting waterways (endangered species, salmon spawning and eco-system health to name a few). This new in-pipe hydropower generates energy with …
Is Your Own Tap Water Cleaner than Bottled Water?
It’s possible. The fact is, cities and states have regulations for water quality, unlike bottled water, which can have higher levels of arsenic, bacteria, and other contaminants*. Recent studies of bottled water commissioned by EWG* have found high levels of disinfection byproducts, fertilizer residue, and pain medication, including 38 chemical pollutants altogether. “FDA Safety and Consumer Protections [for bottled water] …
7 Eco-friendly uses for Hemp
Hemp (Cannabis sativa) has long been associated with the marijuana plant due to its relation and resemblance, however, hemp does not produce the same THC drug as its relative. Still illegal to grow throughout much of the US, this wonder plant suffers by association. Long despised by the cotton industry due to many advantages of hemp over cotton, some small …
Greek Yogurt and its Wasteful Whey Secret
Greek yogurt is revolutionizing the dairy industry with it’s thick creamy texture and high protein, but it also comes at a price. Whey waste. Due to the unexpected popularity and increase in production, a glut of whey is being produced with no process of disposal or recycling. True traditional style Greek yogurt is made by straining the liquid out until …
Injured Wildlife Rescue – My Baby CA Quail Story
Today I was reminded of some of the unsung heros who are always there for hurt and distressed wildlife. Sure there are those shows on The Discovery Channel and Animal Planet where people are pulling boa constrictors and alligators out of backyard pools, but what about your everyday, run of the mill ordinary animals hit by cars, attacked by pet …
DIY Landscaping, Water Conservation and Stormdrain Runoff Pollution
I love to come up with creative Do It Yourself (DIY’s) ideas to solve issues, and this one is not only environmentally friendly, but it is also beautiful and beneficial! How we landscape can solve a lot of problems with storm water runoff and drainage, helping to recharge aquafirs, filter toxins and generally reduce pollution of our waterways and oceans. …