Today as I was hanging out with my boyfriend goes “Remember when eating paper was okay, because you were a kid, and you also ate paste?” (Hmm… No honey, actually I don’t.) “I found flavored paper chips online today”. What? Yes, that’s right: paper, as food. And I’m not talking about the “McDonalds is made out of paper” scenario. The …
Eco-Tips For Mom
Get more plants. Plants within our homes help increase air quality and help us get rid of toxins lurking in our air. Some of the best plants for improving air quality are Chinese Evergreen, Peace Lily, and English Ivy. For the best air quality, a good rule of thumb is one plant per 1,000 square feet of home. Check out …
Eco-Friendly Slot Cars for Older Kids
Adults shouldn’t have the only eco-friendly fun. Green toys and eco-friendly stuffed animals are quite common for babies and little kids, but what about the older kids? Race in a Case portable slot cars of course! Slot cars have always been one of my favorites, and while I doubt they use that much energy to begin with, these don’t use …
Tottini – Design For Modern Green Kids
Seattle moms Melissa Maffei and Melissa Van Flandern both have a passion for the simplicity and beauty of modern design which is wholly apparent when you step into their children’s furnishing store Tottini. Brimming with bright colors and interesting shapes, your children will instantly fall in love with everything in the store, and you will appreciate the clean modern design. …