Show your friends. Actions speak louder than words, and that’s certainly true of environmental issues too. You can talk all you want about helping the environment, but if your friends see your gas-guzzling Hummer parked in your driveway, all that talk isn’t going to do any good. You can show your friends by suggesting restaurants that serve local or organic …
Eco-Tips For Mom
Get more plants. Plants within our homes help increase air quality and help us get rid of toxins lurking in our air. Some of the best plants for improving air quality are Chinese Evergreen, Peace Lily, and English Ivy. For the best air quality, a good rule of thumb is one plant per 1,000 square feet of home. Check out …
Giving Eco-Gifts
Even in this day and age, green thinking is still a new concept for some people. Buying green gifts for your friends is a great way to encourage green behavior and educate them about green concepts and products. Here’s a list of my favorite eco-friendly gifts for friends, environmentalists and non-environmentalists alike. Fair Trade Chocolate. Just about everyone likes chocolate, …
Everyday Action Green Websites and Blogs
There are a lot of green blogs out there in cyberspace, and its tough to navigate through the good ones. I have two favorites for just everyday living tips, ideas and creativity to inspire living green in me. Each one is unique and provides me with great eco-inspiration to take action, live green and utilized eco friendly design. They are …