Leave it to the land of Teslas and Leafs to come up with a free charging network provided by advertisers. Volta has combined classic start-up innovation with electric vehicles to provide a free EV charging service. Owning an electric car just gets better and better. With rebates at purchase, reduced maintenance costs, and miles costing pennies compared to traditional gasoline, …
Leaf vs Volt – Who is Winning Sales?
With six months of sales under their belts, which is coming out on top when it comes to sales in the plug-in EV battle? Apparently the Nissan Leaf has the lead with 3,875 sold LEAFs so far in 2011 while Chevy has 2,745 Volts sold. Granted they are different cars targeting different consumers with some overlap (see our Leaf vs …
Electric Car Showdown – Chevy Volt vs. Nissan Leaf
It’s so exciting to have affordable full electric highway legal cars back on the market! Brings me back to the mid 90’s all over again. This time we have some choices with Chevrolet launching the Volt right around the same time the Nissan brings out the Leaf. While they are both electric cars, they are targeting very different markets with …