WWFs Earth Hour 2009 – Lights Out March 28th!

A great campaign by the World Wildlife Fund to promote energy conservation and awareness on a global scale, Earth Hour takes place around the globe for a single hour on Saturday, March 28th, 2009. It happens to be at 8:30pm (PST) here in Seattle, WA – just visit the site to see what time it is in your area. The …

Eco Eliteism – Greener Than Thou – Are you a Green Snob?

I recently received an email with a footer that read: “Please consider the Environment before printing this email. Think Green.” The interesting thing is that it actually made me kind of mad. The person who sent me this email is anything but green, and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought green living had more to do with color …

NH2 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Emission Free Tractor by New Holland

New Holland just released a prototype version of the NH2, a Hydrogen powered fuel cell tractor which is 100% emission free (at least once the energy is in the fuel cell that is). Based on their T6000 line, this tractor produces 106 horsepower from an electric motor running approximately 1.5 to 2 hours on a single hydrogen tank. While that …

Eco Friendly Green Driveways – A Living Permeable Driveway, Porous and Alive

I have always been a fan of permeable driveways (except in my younger skateboarding days). They allow for absorption of runoff, recharging aquifers, and naturally filters the water before it reaches ocean, lake and river outfalls, improving water quality. It reduces the dangers from flooding and the need for huge storm drains and channels. Additionally, it can help with the …

Amenity Home – Modern Chic Organic Cotton Linen and Sustainable Hemp Bedding

I just found this great sustainable modern design home collection from Amenity, and I want it. The designs are a perfect blend of modern and eco chic, all made from sustainable hemp and organic cotton and dyed with natural vegetable based dyes. Producing their goods locally (printed and sewn in Los Angeles, CA) and only with eco-friendly dyes and minimally-processed …

What is Greenwashing – The Spin of Environmentally Friendly Marketing

Many of you may have heard the term ‘Greenwashing’, yet, it is becoming more and more common in today’s marketplace. With the explosion of all things green, organic, natural, eco friendly, and environmentally conscious has come deceptive marketing. Greenwashing originally has been defined as ‘to market environmentally friendly behaviors or products with an underlying purpose of profit increase’, however it …

Green Reads – Eco Living Books for Ideas and Information

I figured this would be a good time to share with my readers what books I read and refer too. With so much information out there, these are the sources I find to be the most helpful, well designed and put together, all with the eco-minded features I enjoy. These are all easy read, enjoyable books that offer great practical …

Green Lighting by Candle – Beeswax Lightbulb Design

I just had to share when I found these. They are a bit of a curiosity rolled up in a novelty, but they are clever. Made of beeswax and available in green and natural off-white (with more color combination’s coming available), these candles are pretty green to the environment too. The design by Harry Allen is so complete, they even …

A Green Valentines Day – Celebrate Your Love with the Environment Too!

With Valentines day right around the corner, you may be wondering what to give your sweetheart to celebrate that special day. Why not make it special and unique for both the one you love, and the earth at the same time? It’s actually pretty easy to do and will give you a nice warm fuzzy feeling. I’ve got your basics …

Eco Friendly Interior Painting – Green Up Your Redecorating and Remodeling

So you want to paint a few walls in your house, but are wondering how to do it in the most green environmentally friendly way. Interior Decorating can cause a lot of waste and produce harmful vapors, but you can reduce these by examining your options a little closer. Take the simple task of painting a wall, you need a …