Everyday Action Green Websites and Blogs

Living GreenThere are a lot of green blogs out there in cyberspace, and its tough to navigate through the good ones. I have two favorites for just everyday living tips, ideas and creativity to inspire living green in me. Each one is unique and provides me with great eco-inspiration to take action, live green and utilized eco friendly design. They are usually updated a few times a week, so its easy to keep up and you won’t be overwhelmed with content.

Daily Danny

Daily Danny Green Living BlogA personal blog from a green living guru, Danny Seo shares his everyday thoughts, inspirations and projects through Daily Danny. Its quite a grab bag of information ranging from making flowers from leftover shopping bags to the latest in green goods from JCPenny.

Always insightful, a glimpse into the life of an everyday eco-chic design conscious individual will provide inspiration and great, fun ideas. He is open to questions, suggestions, and often runs contests for various green products.

How Can I Recycle This

Recycle reuse blogA great offering from our friends across the pond, How Can I Recycle This is exactly what the name implies. Readers can submit their problem waste products, and other readers suggest what to do with them. It is much more than recycling though – the most common answer are for popular reuses since recycling is still the least desired of the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

Composting, Upcycling and reuse of some of the strangest items produce some of the most creative ideas I have ever seen. It really makes you go ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ After a few weeks, you should notice a big reduction in your household waste and you can feel good that you are helping reduce the strain on the environment by cutting down on your dependence on landfills. Go on, give em a challenge, or share your favorite reuse tip.

Green Drinks

Green LivingLiving Green DrinksAlthough not really a website or blog, Green Drinks are a great source of information and networking. Green Drinkers meet in just about every major city, and are easy to start up if none exist near you.

They bring like-minded people together to discuss news, local events, tips and just about whatever you like to talk about. I learned all about rainwater harvesting using water barrels, and even got hooked up with a local guy who made complete kits from recycled olive barrels who even delivered to my house. It worked fantastic and his knowledge and enthusiasm were priceless.

Comments 3

  1. I’m an Interior Designer who tries to specify green products for use in my clients’ homes. One such renewable resource is flooring and furniture made of bamboo. There are also many manufacturers today such as Harden Furniture who use green manufacturing methods. People need to make green living choices in their homes.

  2. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

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